Yorkshire Florist flowers and gifts

Congratulations on your engagement. We would love to hear from you to discuss your vision to create the perfect florals for your special day.
Wedding flowers should be as unique as you are so I do not make or sell "ready made" flowers, with the exception of a few small personals suitable if you are a guest and you need something last minute like a hair pin, corsage or buttonhole.

It's impossible to list every floral item available for weddings, with pictures and pricing, as every wedding is unique. There are even many materials that can be used to create your floral pieces in addition to or instead of real, silk or dried flowers, such as feathers and brooches. You can use internet search results for inspiration photos for designs and to choose your colour palette, and many wedding magazines are available to keep you up to date with the current trends.

Here are 3 versions of our most popular bouquet for 2022 & 2023 (& 2024 so far)
A loose hand tied bouquet of roses and seasonal florist choice flowers

florist choice loose bridal eucalyptus
Bride requested mixed white shades and lots of eucalyptus

florist choice loose bridal pampas grasses
Bride requested a wild mix of white and green shades with pampas and other grasses

florist choice loose bridal baby pink and sage green
Bride requested the inclusion of greens to match or contrast sage green bridesmaid gowns and soft pink for a splash of delicate colour


For more photos visit our Facebook page

© Yorkshire Florist 2023